That’s an easy one to come by. The Semtech SX1272MB2xAS LoRa Mbed shield is arduino compatible shield and Nucleo boards have the corresponding connector. Technical brief:
SX1272 Low Power Long Range Transceiver
868MHz to 915MHz
14dBm output
LoRa modulation as well as FSK/OOK
As mentioned the STM32WB55 serie is the target here and the P-Nucleo-WB55RG is a nice board to play with. Technical brief:
STM32 family with M4+M0 cores (dual core)
2.4GHz capable with 802.15.4, BLE4/5, ZigBee, OpenThread protocol stack firmware
On-board ST-LINK
USB connectors, 3 LEDs, buttons
Battery socket
The combo¶
Once hooked up (it’s a no brainer) here is the resulting object.

Never forget to plug the antenna prior to powering up the boards. You may damage the RF amplifier output (although it’s a rather low power one). Of course, buying two of each is a bit necessary for Ping Pong.